Wednesday 10 April 2013



NAME: Mohd Mahathir Bin Mat Aros
BIRTH: 25/10/1995 (Hospital Kota Tinggi)
HOBBY: Reading comic, watching movies, listen to music.
AMBITION: I want to be someone well known in Maritime Industry
TAG LINE: Even if you don't stand a chance, as long as you don't give up.
 Then, you still have chances.


NAME: Nuramera Farida Binti Abd Yazid
NICKNAME: Gudae Besar
BIRTH: 01/09/1995 (Hospital Kota Tinggi)
HOBBY: Reading Novels, watching KPOP videos
AMBITION: To be a successful engineer in maritime industry
TAG LINE: Bridging boundaries, connecting mind.


NAME: Nurul Syahida Binti Sidek
NICKNAME: Gudae Kecik
BIRTH: 30/9/1995 (Hospital Kota Tinggi)
HOBBY: Reading, Watching television, sleeping, singing
AMBITION: Be professional in Agricultural Industries
TAG LINE: Love ourselves first before love someone else


NAME: Mohamad Nazren Nasha Bin Abu Samah
NICKNAME: Nazren / Nasha / Boss
BIRTH: 14/05/1995 (Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru)
HOBBY: Nagging, Eating, Shopping, Travelling, Hang Out, Listening Radio, Cooking
AMBITION: Want To Be Big Boss as Property Business and
 Have Own Bakery around the World
TAG LINE: Value Has a Value Only If Its Value is valued by you


NAME: Suzie Noramanina Binti Mohd Azam
BIRTH: 10/09/1995 (Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru)
HOBBY: Fishing, Sleeping, Eating
TAG LINE: Transforming lives with SMILES :)


NAME: Shahril Reza Bin Zainoor Abidin
BIRTH: 13/07/1995 (Hospital Kota Tinggi)
HOBBY: Facebooking, Reading Books
AMBITION: To be a CEO in big company of maritime industries
MISSION: Want to be a millionaire in young age
TAG LINE: Tak kaya takpe, asal senang…haha.!!


NAME: Junaidah Binti Abd Raof
BIRTH: 01/06/1995 (Hospital Sultanah Aminah)
HOBBY: Snapping pictures, Singing
AMBITION: Architect
TAG LINE: Just always be happy!


NAME: Muhammad Fithri Bin Senin
BIRTH: 08/02/1995 (Hospital Sultanah Aminah)
HOBBY: Playing Futsal, Face Booking
AMBITION: Logistic Engineer
TAG LINE: Be the Best, Beat the Rest


NAME: Nazmi Bin Alias
BIRTH: 28/03/1995 (Hospital Batu Pahat)
HOBBY: Fishing, Face Booking, Playing Games
AMBITION: Business Man
TAG LINE: Always inspiring more


There are many things that Euphoria members gain by doing this Business Information System assignment. Firstly, we can work as a teams and help each other in order to finish our tasks successfully. Secondly, we also know each others character and closed our friendship ties when doing this assignment. We also can gain many experience and knowledge about Business Information System (BIS) throughout this assignment. Then, we also learn application of BIS syllabus in doing this assignment. It is quite challenging to complete this blog and assignment. 


Important Of Business Objectives:
  1. Survival
  2. Competitive advantage
  3. Improved decision making
  4. Customer and supplier intimacy
  5. New products, service and business models.
  6. Operational excellence.

New products, service and business models:

 Johor Port also provide the services such as:

1.       JPB Free Zone.
2.       Marine Services.
3.       Container Terminal.
4.       Bulk and Breakbulk services.
5.       OASIS (Marine Centre)
6.       Marine services, logistic services and shipper services

Improved decision making:

The main decision done by Johor Port (JPB) is to larger the port areas. Below are the pictures as shown. It is work to make it bigger due to the number of container, customers, and ships to do their transaction in there.

Operational excellence:

To ensure that Johor Port (JPB) provide the best services, they implement the best  technology.The technology is:

1.       Johor Port Container Terminal System (JCTS)
2.       Multi-Purpose Terminal System (MPTS)
3.       Free Zone Information Processig System (FZIPS)
4.       Vessel Clearance System (VSS)
5.       Marine Service System (MSS)
6.       Port Safety Management System (PSMS)
7.       Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) facility for Contaner Terminal

Customer and supplier intimacy:

JPB has the ability to be accepted and known as the regular partner with its customer from different places. It is because JPB has a:

1. Good management system
2. Large area for the business purpose. The area is home to a comprehensive range of industries specializing in petrochemicals. engineering, furniture, telecommunications, electronic goods and food products among others.
3. Advance technology used. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) is vital to the ports and logistics industry in ensuring customers' and users' needs are constantly met or surpassed. Johor Port leverages on ICT to provide efficient, interactive and fast user-friendly services. ICt is also crucial for the integration of planning and execution of day-to-day operational and management activities, thus an important business tool.





·         To promote Singapore as a premier global hub port and international maritime center  and to safeguard Singapore’s strategic maritime interests.


·         To be a proactive and dynamic organisation that is responsive to the needs of the port and shipping industries. We aim to promote the well being of our officers by giving them the opportunities to develop professionally.


·      Regulates and licenses port and marine services and facilities, such as the container terminals, pilot age, tow age and hunkering services. We work in partnership with the terminal operators and marine service providers to promote the Singapore port and maintain its status as a premier global hub port.

·         We manage vessel traffic in the port, working to ensure navigational safety and the smooth movement and operations of ships. This includes conducting maintenance dredging of  fairways and anchorages, providing navigational aids and charting Singapore’s waters.

·         We work with various enforcement agencies to put in place maritime security measures to protect the port against threats.

·         We are the guardian of Singapore’s waters against pollution from ships. Our officers patrol Singapore’s waterways regularly to ensure that ship operators do not pollute the port or harm the marine environment.

Tuesday 9 April 2013




It is our first time use the LINE application between members. It is quite amazing and interesting using this LINE application. Our team members, Shahril Reza and Nurul Syahida use this application in order to complete this task and gain experience to use this application.

Shahril Reza is using the LINE application
Nurul Syahida is using the LINE application with Shahril Reza

There are many features of using this LINE application. Firstly, we can make free voice calls and send free messages whenever and wherever you are, 24 hours a day. We also can send various animation, pictures, videos and others to our friends. We can play many types of games in this application when we are bored during our free time.

Shahril Reza is typing the texts to send to Nurul Syahida

Nurul Syahida is chatting with Shahril Reza
We can send various types of cute animations and pictures to  our friends

 By using the phones, we can download this application freely. We also can use this LINE application to call freely with our friends. There are no limits when using this LINE application. We can call and message as much as we want. 

Nurul Syahida is calling Shahril Reza

We are using this LINE application to others NMIT students.

As a conclusion, it is very fantastic and interesting when using this application. We suggest to all of you to try this LINE application. There are many features that we can get by using this application. So, let's try using this LINE application. 



Question :

1. In brief, explain the term 'Soft Skills'.
2. Why do you think soft skill is related to Information System?
3. Explain the role of scholars toward the practical usage of soft skill in Information System.

Answer :

1. Soft skills are personal attributes that enhance an individual's interactions, job performance and career prospects. Unlike hard skills, which are about a person's skill set and ability to perform a certain type of task or activity, soft skills are interpersonal and broadly applicable.

2. A person's soft skill EQ is an important part of their individual contribution to the success of an organization. Those organizations dealing with customers face-to-face are generally more successful, if they train their staff to use these skills. Screening or training for personal habits or traits such as dependability and conscientiousness can yield significant return on investment for an organization. 

Besides, soft skills are increasingly sought out by employers in addition to standard qualifications.It has been suggested that in a number of professions soft skills may be more important over the long term than occupational skills. The legal,it has been suggested that in a number of professions soft skills may be more important over the long term than occupational skills.

3. The soft skills of Information Systems (IS) professionals are recognized as important for job performance, few attempts have been made to study systematically the concept of soft skills. The pioneering work in the area of practical intelligence and creativity at the workplace to develop the concept of soft skills and to validate an instrument to assess soft skills within the IS profession.

A computer-based instrument is developed to elicit these strategies of IS professionals when faced with IS related work situations. Based on the instrument, we benchmark a group of experienced IS professional against a group of inexperienced first-year undergraduate in a computer science program. Our findings indicate that inexperienced undergraduates possess as good a set of soft skills as their experienced counterparts in managing themselves, peers and their superiors.

Experienced IS professionals possess better soft skill strategies for managing subordinates, clients and vendors than do inexperienced IS undergraduates. The results confirm the importance of work exposure and work experience in developing soft skills. Experienced IS professionals have been exposed to more complex situations at work and have therefore evolved a more complex situations at work and have therefore evolved a more complex set of self-management and self-regulation strategies and mental schema. We conclude with implications for selection, training and development of IS professionals in soft skills.

